Game Of Thrones Characters Height Chart

For Game Of Thrones fans, here is a height chart of some of the most popular characters in the HBO series. These height listing is gathered from web sources/ articles.

So for those who are curious about how tall Wun Wun, Hodor, and "The Mountain" are here you go.

Game Of Thrones Characters Height Chart
Credits to HBO's Game of Thrones.

Wun Wun : 14 feet 0 inches
Dongo : 12 feet 0 inches
Gregor "The Mountain" Clegane : 7 feet 10 inches
Hodor : 7 feet
Sandor "The Hound" Clegane : 6 feet 6 inches
Khal Drogo : 6 feet 4 inches
Brienne Of Tarth : 6 feet 3 inches
Tywin Lannister : 6 feet 3 inches
Jaime Lannister : 6 feet 2 inches
Stannis Baratheon : 6 feet 0 inches
Eddard Stark : 5 feet 11 inches
Jon Snow : 5 feet 10 inches
Sansa Stark : 5 feet 9 inches
Samwell Tarley : 5 feet 8 inches
Tyrion Lannister : 4 feet 5 inches



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