Louis Tomlinson Height - How Tall

What is the height of Louis Tomlinson?
How tall is Louis Tomlinson?
How tall is Louis Tomlinson?
What is his height in inches & feet?
Find it out here in All Height.

Here are some information about the height of Louis Tomlinson.
Name: Louis Tomlinson
in Meters: 1.75 m
in Centimeters: 175 cm
in Inches: 68.8975 in
in Feet: 5.74 ft
in Feet & Inches: 5ft 9in

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About Louis Tomlinson.

Louis Tomlinson is a British singer and performer. Louis is one of the members of the globally popular boy-band One Direction. The height of Louis Tomlinson is 5ft 9in, that makes him 175cm tall.

Louis Tomlinson Compared To My 5ft 10in (177cm) Height

Louis Tomlinson's height is 5ft 9in or 175cm while I am 5ft 10in or 177cm. I am taller compared to him. To find out how much taller I am, we would have to subtract Louis Tomlinson's height from mine. Therefore I am taller to him for about 2cm.


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  1. Aw! That is so cute! Louis is so much taller than me, as I am 5'1! That is adorable.

    1. Thanks for dropping a comment Tubs. Hope that this post about Louis Tomlison's height, somehow gave you some useful information.

  2. It's wrong though because 5Ft and 9 inches is 172.5 cm... I know this because 1 inch is 2.5 cm and 1 ft is 30 cm. Just so you know, okay?

  3. louis isnt 175cm lol he's the shortest

  4. He is 175cm Niall is the shortest

  5. Niall and Louis are around the same Height they have been like that since x factor
